The Great North

The Great North
best place in the world

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

So the heat wave continues...

The culture of the UP is fascinating. Winter months usually last about five to six months long, with the average temperature ranging from +20 to -10 without the wind chill. Needless to say, a lot of us up here get sick of the cold weather and the grays and browns that define the landscape. This year was amazing, with the snow leaving early and our city experiencing the ultra rare Upper Peninsula spring.

Now that we have had three consecutive days of high 80's, low 90's temperature, everyone, myself included, complains that it is too warm outside.

The thing that I always found funny was that no matter what the weather does, people will find something to complain about. It could rain five dollar bills, and I garentee you that there would be one person complaining that it was not five dollar bills. The picture is of Little Presque Isle, the beach I was at this morning. The funny thing is, normally, people go to the beach to get into the sun and try to get a good tan going. Yes, that is part of the reason I went this morning, but the main reason was just to go outside before it got super hot. I think that really shows the flaw in the way that I think that I go to a beach at 10:30 in the morning to beat the heat. Kinda funny when I think of it that way. The better part of the situation was I was by far not the only person there. There was at least five other groups of people on the beach enjoying the weather. One of which was already drinking beer. Those are the people that conquer life. They don't care that it's 10:30 in the morning, they just want to enjoy life and have fun. Isn't that what all of us strive to do?

1 comment:

  1. Summer begins up there, and winter starts up down here. It doesn´t mean much though. Basically its 90 degrees instead of 95 and it rains an extra half hour everyday. Sigh. . . I miss temperate climates.
