The Great North

The Great North
best place in the world

Friday, May 21, 2010

I think I'm addicted to Mexican Coke.

The soda that is. There is just something about it that taste so good. I know people would say, "hey, it's the sugar cane, not the corn syrup!" I think it is more
than that.

There are two places in my town that sells it, and unfortunately, both are not on my side of town. But I think for the sakes of drinking it, it is very worth it.

The best thing in the world is the look that the cashier gives you when you buy it at the counter. It's like she things, "oh god, another person buying over priced soda..." Little does she know that this soda is some of the best in the world. Right behind Jones Soda. But that is a talk for another day...

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