The Great North

The Great North
best place in the world

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Backpacking 101

  • Don't get killed
  • Don't do anything stupid
  • Don't Drink bad water
  • Don't become dehydrated
  • Bees are bad
  • Don't eat those berries, no matter how good they look
  • Getting to the destination is half the battle. you still have to get back
  • If your planning on being gone for two day, pack for three
  • The weatherman lies. Night is always colder than he says
  • That slight downhill your sleeping on becomes a steep hill by 3AM
  • you WILL smell like campfire by the end
  • A cold beer is the best thing in the world when at a fire
  • Be with a friend. Camp stories are the best

1 comment:

  1. I will respectfully disagree with the berries one. ONce I was camping and stumbled upon a blackberry patch. God could have sniped me from the skies and I would have died happy.
